EPISODE SUMMARY Problem-solving is a trait no business owner, entrepreneur, or professional in any endeavor can go without. The ability to find solutions and overcome obstacles is paramount to success and those thrust into leadership positions must be ready to find creative ways to address issues and keep their machine […]
EPISODE SUMMARY When you’re hiring talent for your business, you’re faced with two options: hire based specifically on the talent of that individual or hire based on how that individual will fit your company culture and values. It may seem logical to hire based on talent alone, but if a […]
EPISODE SUMMARY Episode 87 of The Business Equation Podcast features Nick Bogacz’s appearance on the NoDegree Podcast. Nick shares his story of working five jobs and over 90 hours a week to becoming the owner of a pizza enterprise with over $9M annual revenue…all with no college degree! You can […]
EPISODE SUMMARY Episode 86 of The Business Equation Podcast features host Nick Bogacz’s appearance on The Makin Wellness Podcast with Sara Makin. Sara appeared on Episode 44 of The Business Equation and Nick had a great conversation with Sara about mindset mastery and how proper mindset helped pave the road […]
EPISODE SUMMARY How does our brain work? That could be one of the most complicated and multi-layered questions ever to be asked. The easy answer is that it serves as the command center that controls every thought we have, every word we speak, and every motion we make. But to […]
EPISODE SUMMARY If you’ve been a long time listener of The Business Equation, you know how powerful positive mindset can be. With it, you have real, genuine opportunity to accomplish big things. Without it, you don’t. That may seem like a dumbed-down explanation, but it’s the truth. If you go […]
EPISODE SUMMARY Have you ever stopped to consider how one key event can change your entire life? It’s true. You never know when that moment may come. But when it does, it can set the course for your momentum for years and years to come. The reality of this impactful […]
EPISODE SUMMARY “When you’re uncomfortable, you find things that make things work. If you’re too comfortable, you’ll do things just enough to see if it will work or not.” — Isaac Kuhlman One of the biggest culprits to continued success is complacency. When you reach a certain level of comfort […]
EPISODE SUMMARY Defining your purpose is the most critical step in all of your efforts. It’s your ‘why.’ It’s what keeps you motivated and willing to keep pushing forward when the most difficult challenges present themselves. It’s what keeps you focused on succeeding and what prevents you from quitting. Episode […]