PODCAST: Episode 32 – Taking Care of a “Tough” Customer


One of the biggest issues surrounding business today is public perception due to reviews, online forums, and trends that speak negatively to your brand. However, in this negativity are two things:

1) Potential solutions to issues you’ve been experiencing within your business

2) A customer who simply wants to be heard.

Winning over a tough customer shows you’re in business for the right reasons. Why would you want to “fire” that customer and tell them they’re no longer welcome to give you money? If you push them out, they’re not just going to stay home. They’ll find someplace else to spend their money!

Episode 32 of The Business Equation Podcast deals with an issue you will inevitably face in your business (if you haven’t already): How to take care of a “tough” customer and win them over. If you’ve ever thought you should kick someone out of your business because they’re acting “difficult,” this is an episode you need to consume.

Host Nick Bogacz breaks down a thread posted in a small business group on Facebook where an owner wanted to “ghost” a customer who was sending him too many follow-up inquiries. As you’ll learn, this set Nick on fire and inspired one of the most passionate Business Equation podcasts to date.

Not only will you discover what Nick had to say about the thread (as well as all the commenters who agreed with the author of the post), you’ll hear how Nick and his team won over one of their toughest customers at Caliente Pizza & Draft House and turned them into brand loyalists who have brought multiple people through their door!


Nick is a published author! Click here to check out his book, The Pizza Equation: Slicing Up How to Run a Successful Pizza Enterprise.

MUSIC CREDIT: Theme music for The Business Equation Podcast – Never Forget by Gareth Johnson & Chris Bussey, via www.audionetwork.com


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