PODCAST: Episode 18 – How to Be An Effective Motivator


Who doesn’t like positive motivation? Who doesn’t like hearing they’re doing a good job? It’s a tremendous feeling knowing those you work for value the commitment you’ve made to helping their enterprise grow…no matter what level of the business they exist on.

Undoubtedly, you’ve had that one boss who was nothing but negative – constantly pointing out what you were doing wrong, seldom providing any guidance or leadership that would help you improve and do better. How did that make you feel? It’s hard for any company to grow when leadership roles are not held by people who truly care about their team and wish to elevate their performance through positive reinforcement at every juncture.

In Episode 18 of The Business Equation Podcast, host Nick Bogacz shares tips and strategies for effective motivational practices. Nick has over 100 people under his umbrella at Caliente Pizza & Draft House’s five locations throughout the Pittsburgh region, and each of those people knows the value they bring to the table thanks to the motivation Nick and his management team provide. As you’ll learn on today’s show, Nick’s crew has gone so far as to spend an entire meeting talking positively about the people who help make the Caliente machine work…talk that got back to those people mentioned and hammered home the value they deliver.

Throughout this episode, Nick will teach you:

  • Why sharing YOUR vision will help your entire staff buy in
  • Why you need to genuinely care about your people before they’ll EVER care about you
  • Why you should build a person up before sharing something negative and how this will make them appreciate you
  • Why you should NEVER tear a person down in front of others
  • What your team can do to make others feel valued
  • How edification can help build a person up


Nick is also a published author! Click here to check out his book, The Pizza Equation: Slicing Up How to Run a Successful Pizza Enterprise.

MUSIC CREDIT: Theme music for The Business Equation Podcast – Never Forget by Gareth Johnson & Chris Bussey, via www.audionetwork.com


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