PODCAST: Episode 52 – Masterminds, Taking Risks, & Wise Investing w/ Brad Hart


Going into business for yourself may seem like one of the biggest risks you’ll ever take in your life. In many ways, it will be. When you truly go all in and decide to build your own legacy, it requires putting it all on the line – working without a safety net, foregoing guaranteed income, etc, etc – all for an unknown. That said, if you approach your journey wisely, efficiently, and with the right mindset, it will alleviate some of the risk and help you build methodically toward your initial goals.

It’s also smart to listen to others who have paved the road before you. Other entrepreneurs, mentors, authors, books, podcasts, videos, inspirational figures, and, as you’ll learn in today’s show, mastermind groups, are all tremendous resources to help you grow and evolve…and not feel alone in the process.

In Episode 52 of The Business Equation Podcast, host Nick Bogacz is joined by Brad Hart, an inspiring and successful entrepreneur who has been forging his own path for well over a decade. Brad is the founder and one of the head contributors for Make More Marbles, where he’s helped thousands of passionate entrepreneurs graduate from struggling to confident, giving them a better opportunity to change the world.

This episode is jam-packed with tremendous insight on the power of mastermind groups, when it is the right time to take more risks in life and in your business, how you can make smart investments that will spark your entrepreneurial fire, and a lot more!

You can learn more about Brad by connecting with him on Linked In and by visiting makemoremarbles.com. Also, you can get involved with Brad’s mastermind groups by visiting checking out buildamastermind.com/mastermind-groups.

Nick is a published author! Click here to check out his book, The Pizza Equation: Slicing Up How to Run a Successful Pizza Enterprise.

MUSIC CREDIT: Theme music for The Business Equation Podcast – Never Forget by Gareth Johnson & Chris Bussey, via www.audionetwork.com


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